Moore - Clinically Oriented Anatomy 7th Ed

Moore - Clinically Oriented Anatomy 7th Ed

ContentsPreface / viiAcknowledgments / xiList of Clinical Blue Boxes / xixFigure Credits / xxvIntroduction to Clinically OrientedAnatomy/ 1APPROACHES TO STUDYING ANATOMY / 2Regional Anatomy / 2Systemic Anatomy / 3Clinical Anatomy / 4ANATOMICOMEDICAL TERMINOLOGY / 4Anatomical Position / 5Anatomical Planes / 5Terms of Relationship and Comparison / 6Terms of Laterality / 7Terms of Movement / 7ANATOMICAL VARIATIONS / 12INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM / 12FASCIAS, FASCIAL COMPARTMENTS, BURSAE,AND POTENTIAL SPACES / 16SKELETAL SYSTEM / 19Cartilage and Bones / 19Bone Markings and Formations / 20Joints / 25MUSCLE TISSUE AND MUSCULAR SYSTEM / 29Types of Muscle (Muscle Tissue) / 29Skeletal muscles / 29Cardiac Striated Muscle / 36Smooth Muscle / 36CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM / 37Vascular Circuits / 37Blood Vessels /...

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